Simple Data Management

Easy Waiver data management

Export your data

At anytime download all your Signed Digital Waivers to an excel file or pdf

Custom Fields

Create unlimited custom fields, field types and logic for your Digital Waiver

Custom Search

Easily search signed Digital Waivers from your database by record name, date, or custom fields

Dedicated Account

Create a dedicated account for managing all your Digital Waiver Forms and access your data anytime/anywhere

Clean Data for Marketing

Digital Waivers for marketing

Use your data

Transfer your customer information into your CRM and maximize your marketing

Custom Branding

Included white lablel! Customize all your Digital Waiver Forms with your brand's logo at no extra charge

Unlimited Signed Waivers

Collect Unlimited Signed Waivers with your Digital Waiver Form

Get Notifications

Receive email notifications and pdf copies for every signed Digital Waiver.

Distribute to anyone/anywhere

Easily distribute your waivers

Custom QR Code

Enable your customers to scan a QR Code and start filling your Digital Waiver out in advance on their mobile device

Web Link

Enable your customers to sign your Waiver Form right from your website. Also share the Waiver Form link through email or text

Online Signatures

Allow your customers to sign your Digital Waiver Forms directly on their device without any paper or back and forth required

File Upload

Allow customers to upload copies of vital files from your Digital Waiver without carrying printed copies to your office

Extended Personalization

Benefits of digital waivers

Data Ownership

Own, search and easily use all the data collected through your Digital Waiver Forms

Security + Compliance

Google Cloud’s in-depth security protects your data at global scale. All Waiver Forms are HIPAA, ISO/IEC, FedRAMP, and NIST Compliant

Unlimited Storage

All your Waiver Forms and Signed Waivers are stored and backed up on our Cloud Servers as long as your subscription is active at no additional cost!

Unrivalled Support

Get free email support from our team of dedicated agents during setup and management of your Digital Waivers

How to use Digital Waivers

Streamline your Operations with Digital Waiver Forms

Smart Cloud Forms, the engine that drives Business Waiver Forms can also be used to generate any other type of forms used within your business. In addition to Business Waiver Forms, we can easily generate Smart Warranty Forms, Smart Survey Forms, Smart Client Onboarding Forms, Smart Time Sheets and Smart Procedural and Checklist Forms. All for the unbeatable low monthly price of $15/month/active form.